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Monday, February 28, 2011

Online job search: 7 common mistakes by job-seekers

DESPITE a barrage of online applications from job-seekers through job portals, recruiters are often left with very few ‘worthwhile’ applications. Most candidates commit seven cardinal sins and lose out on a good opportunity.
Sin 1: Application is incomplete
Instead of keeping recruiters guessing, as is the case often, do your bit and provide all relevant details. Time-crunched recruiters who are swamped by hundreds of résumés every day, usually end up spending time on applications that are complete, and which do not need them to ferret out information.
When creating a profile, register yourself by filling in your details on the job board, then upload your résumé, and finally, write a cover letter. On the job board and in the résumé, it is best to give all the information sought - from educational qualifications and particulars about current and previous organisation/s to relevant personal details. “The biggest blunder one can commit is to send the application without contact phone numbers. We have no way of getting in touch with and are compelled to reject the candidate even if they make the cut,” says Parama Biswas, HR Generalist, BOC India.
While filling in particulars, candidates often omit details regarding salary or location assuming that those can be discussed at a later stage - during a telephone or face-to-face interview. This can leave matters to chance and your fate will depend on how the recruiter takes it. While many are willing to oversee it and arrange an interview, some recruiting agencies find this annoying as salary is one of the chief deciding factors. Hence, even if the application is not rejected immediately, it may not be the first preference. As Cindrella Vincent, HR Executive, Praxis Interactive Technologies Ltd., points out, “All recruiters have a budget for each position and not knowing whether an application makes the mark salary-wise, makes it all the more difficult. If someone is already drawing more than the allocated salary, then we will obviously not get in touch with him or her, thereby saving the candidate’s and our time.”
Sin 2: Not following instructions
For instance, if a recruiter specifies that phone calls are not welcome, it is best to adhere to it. It not only ensures that the résumé reaches the right person at the right time with the right information, but also underlines your willingness to take instructions.
Sin 3: Getting generic
Job portals give you the option of applying in the quickest manner to all jobs by clicking just once on “Apply” (may be known by a different name across portals). This practice, however, is best avoided. Instead, use the preview option and edit it to suit the position on offer. “It is very important to customise the job application. Many job searchers often send group e-mails and generic résumés to recruiters. This is the worst mistake one can make, and cuts a very shabby picture and shows the applicant’s desperation and lackadaisical attitude. He or she will, in all probability, never be the first preference,” shares Sebastian Rodriguez, Manager Resourcing, Datamatics Global Services Limited.
A checklist
• Follow all instructions
• Fill in all the required information
• Do a spelling and grammar check
• Give contact details
• Add a covering letter with he subject line mentioning the profile
• Attach your résumé
Features of a good résumé
• Do not just narrate your duties and responsibilities in the previous organisation/s, highlight your achievements
• Emphasise fitment and value addition to the profile advertised
• Pay attention to detail and format it in such a manner that you draw attention to what is relevant for that particular profile
• Give all the required information without running into countless pages
• Ideally give as much information as necessary to evoke interest and elicit an interview call
Though the details you fill in while registering on a job portal and the résumé you upload there will be a broad-based one, ensure you customise your application whenever you apply for a particular position. Go through the job description, figure out the job requirements, and accordingly highlight why you are best suited for the profile in terms of your experience and skill set in the cover letter and/or the comments section.
The cardinal rule is to address your application to the right person, mentioning the profile you are interested in and the Reference ID/ Job Code. Cindrella Vincent advises, “Even if a candidate thinks he or she fits into more than one of the advertised roles, the position must be specified. It will show your focus and area of interest as well as how well you understand the job specifications. For example, profiles of writers and editors are often quite similar, so if the candidate leaves it blank, the candidate may not get what he/she prefers.”
Sometimes, placement agencies place such advertisements and they do not disclose the name of the organisation. In such cases it is advisable to get in touch with the recruiting firm for information on the position and the organisation before sending your application.
Sin 4: Applying in a hurry
Organisations hire on the basis of what the candidate brings to the table and not on a first-come-first serve basis. So never rush! Double check your application - details on the job board, résumé and cover letter before sending them. Applications and cover letters filled with typos, accompanied with an unformatted résumés will create a negative impression. “The icing on the cake is of course forgetting to attach the résumé altogether,” says Parama. Such bloopers give the impression that they are disinterested and casual.
Sin 5: Getting gimmicky
In a bid to attract a recruiter’s attention, many candidates resort to flashy formatting including fancy footers, flamboyant language or even a personal pleas in the comments section. Recruiters do not spend more than a few seconds perusing a CV and only if it evokes their interest are they likely to go through it in details. So ensure smart formatting and the correct choice of words.
Sin 6: Not following up
Online applications also need follow-ups. For instance, if you do not hear from the recruiter within seven to 10 days, it is best to follow up on your application. However, Sebastian Rodriguez cautions, “Don’t keep badgering recruiters by calling or mailing every other day. Be sharp enough to gauge when you have not made the cut and the recruiters are too courteous to say it directly.”
The key is to be polite and show interest in the position while enquiring about your application. In case you do not get any response that acknowledges the receipt of your application, you can try other means of forwarding your application - through another job portal or by directly contacting the appropriate person in the placement consultancy or the organisation.
Sin 7: Not blocking current employer
It is best to keep your job hunt under wraps until you resign.
Firstly, your manager will be displeased if he or she gets to hear of it from any other source. Also, your organisation will assume that you are in exit mode and may leave you out from business meetings and office events. Hence, staying on in that organisation, till a good offer comes up, can become very difficult and may even compel you to take up the first offer that comes your way, even if it is not the kind you wanwt. Also, remember that searching for a job from your workplace is a complete no-no. Most offices, these days, have firewalls which not only prevent access to such sites but also log access requests to those sites and report them to the HR department or the reporting manager.
The situation will grow worse if your job search does not yield immediate and expected results - you will be hounded by smug questions about the status of your job search and whether it has yielded any results, which can be extremely humiliating. So, be discrete by blocking your current organisation from viewing your profile online till you get a concrete offer and are in a position to put in your papers.

Income Tax: Exemption limit raised to Rs. 1.8 lakh

The finance minister today increased the exemption limit in income tax by Rs. 20,000 to tax payers. That translates into a relief of Rs. 2,000 in income tax for all tax payers, irrespective of their tax slab.

The FM has created a new category for very senior citizens who will now get complete exemption on incomes over Rs. 5 lakh. People who are 80 years or older fall in the category of very senior citizens.

The finance minister has also hiked the minimum alternate tax from 18 per cent to 18.5 per cent. Last year the MAT was hiked from 15 to 18 per cent. This is a negative for Corporates. However, the FM has also cut the surcharge on domestic companies to 5 per cent from the existing 7.5 per cent.

The FM said that the central excise rate has been retained at 10 per cent. Excise duty applies to virtually all manufactured goods. There was expectation that the FM might hike the excise duty by 2 per cent this year.

The FM has also included 130 items under excise duty that were earlier exempt. However, these items would be charged a levy of 1 per cent.

The FM has also retained the service tax at 10 per cent. Analysts had earlier said the FM might hike the services tax to 12 per cent to bring it to pre-recession levels. However, the service tax on international air travel has been hiked by 2.5 per cent.

The FM has exempted the cold storage equipment from excise duty. Also, the customs duty on micro irrigation equipment has been cut to 5 per cent from 7.4 per cent. The import duty on farm equipment has been lowered from 5 per cent to 2.5 per cent.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oscar Awards Winners 2011

83rd Academy Awards, and the big winner this year is 'The King's Speech' which bagged the Oscar for Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor and the Best original Screenplay. Colin Firth and Natalie Portman were named the Best Actor and Actress Award respectively. Firth won the award for portraying King George VI in Tom Hooper's 'The King's Speech' while Natalie bagged the award for her portrayal of the 'psychotic' ballerina Nina Sayers in Darren Aronofsky's 'Black Swan'. The Best Director Award went to Tom Hooper for 'The King's Speech'.
Cristopher Nolan's 'dream-stealing' drama 'Inception', one of the clear favourites, has bagged 4 Oscar Awards: Best Visual Effect, Best Sound Mixing, Best Sound Editing and Best Cinematography. However 'The Social Network' got only 3 Oscar Awards: Best Film Editing,Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Original Score.
Christian Bale and Melissa Leo won their first Academy Awards for their respective supporting roles in the movie "The Fighter". Leo was so overcome by her win that she dropped the F bomb during her acceptance speech. Bale, later while accepting his award said, " Bloody hell, its such an honour,I am hoping not to drop the 'f' bomb like Melissa had done before. " Check out the other Oscar winners...
Best Picture
The King's Speech
Best Actor
Colin Firth for 'The King's Speech'
Best Actress
Natalie Portman for 'Black Swan'
Best Director
Tom Hooper 'The King's Speech'
Best Original Song
Randy Newman for "We belong together" in 'Toy Story 3'
Best Film Editing
Angus Wall Kirk Baxter for 'The Social Network'
Best Visual Effect
Paul Franklin,Chris Corbould and Andrew Lockley for 'Inception'
Best Documentary of the Year
Inside Job by Charles Fergusson and Audrey Marrs
Best Live Action Short Film
Luke Matheny for 'God of Love'
Best Short Documentary
Karen Goodman, Kirk Simon for 'Strangers No More'
Best Costume Design
Colleen Atwood for 'Alice in Wonderland'
Best Makeup
Rick Baker Dave Elsley for 'The Wolfman'
Best Sound Editing
Richard King for Inception
Best Sound Mixing
Lora Hirshberg and Gary A Rizzo for Inception
Best Original Score
Trent Reznor Atticus Ross for 'The Social Network'
Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Christian Bale
Best Foreign Language Film
In A better World (Denmark)
Best original Screenplay
David Seidler for 'The King's Speech'
Best Adapted Screenplay
Aron Sorkin for 'The Social Network'
Best Animated Feature Film
Toy Story 3: Directed by Lee Unkrich
Best Animated Short Film
The Lost Thing Directed by Andrew Ruhemann
Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Melissa Leo for 'The Fighter'
Best Cinematography
Movie: Inception
Winner: Wally Pfister
Best Art direction
Movie: Alice in Wonderland

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Breast Milk Ice Cream Launched

A specialist ice cream parlour plans to serve up breast milk ice cream and says people should think of it as an organic, free-range treat.
The breast milk concoction, called the "Baby Gaga", will be available from Friday at the Icecreamists restaurant in London's Covent Garden.
Icecreamists founder Matt O'Connor was confident his take on the "miracle of motherhood" and priced at a hefty 14 pounds ($23) a serving will go down a treat with the paying public.
The breast milk was provided by mothers who answered an advertisement on online mothers' forum Mumsnet.
Victoria Hiley, 35, from London was one of 15 women who donated milk to the restaurant after seeing the advert.
Hiley works with women who have problems breast-feeding their babies. She said she believes that if adults realised how tasty breast milk actually is, then new mothers would be more willing to breast-feed their own newborns.
The Baby Gaga recipe blends breast milk with Madagascan vanilla pods and lemon zest, which is then churned into ice cream.
O'Connor said the Baby Gaga was just one of a dozen radical new flavours at the shop.

Friday, February 25, 2011

preview of budget 2011-12

The Union Budget 2011-12 will revolve around fiscal consolidation, inflation control, administrative checks and inclusive growth. We do not anticipate any major roll-back of stimulus (indirect taxes) since some concerns lurk about pace of economic growth in 2011. Further, given the upcoming elections in key states, the Government will, in all likelihood, follow certain populist measures. Notwithstanding fiscal pressures, we believe the Budget presents a golden opportunity to the incumbent Government to send a strong signal on the policy front. All-in-all, the Budget is expected to be a mixed one with a marginal positive bias.

Direct tax: Raising of personal income tax slab for lower income group
Inflation pressure is resulting in low income groups spending a bigger share of their wallet on food and other basic necessities. The Government will look to appease this class of people, especially with key states going into elections soon. We expect an increase in personal income tax exemption limit, for the lower income bracket from Rs160,000 to Rs175,000-180,000. The Government can afford this largesse given last year’s buoyancy in direct tax collection. Corporate taxes, on the other hand, are likely to compensate for the rise in slab in personal income tax. This would mean that the industry demand for lowering the tax rate, removing the surcharge or reducing MAT rate will not be met and rates will be left unchanged.

Indirect tax: No major change; tweaks in some components
The Government had partially rolled back excise duty last year (it had cut duties as a stimulus a couple of years ago), but is unlikely to do so in the upcoming Budget, especially when concerns loom about a possible percentage point drop in GDP growth and when industry is in investment mode. Roll-backs in excise would be selective in our opinion. We see excise duty hike specific to diesel cars and SUVs, on grounds that it provides subsidy to an audience not needing it. Similarly, excise duty may be hiked for tobacco.

To tackle rising inflation, we expect excise duties on petroleum products or customs duty on crude and petrochemicals to be cut. Certain countervailing duties may also be cut to lower value of imported items.

There is a view that service tax rate may be hiked to eventually converge with GST in future. However, in our view, a better approach would be to widen the scope of the tax to include all services (with some exemptions) while keeping rates unchanged this year. The Budget may not be able to give a detailed roadmap on GST, given opposition from states.

Non-tax revenue: Amnesty scheme for black money holders
The Budget will possibly see announcement of an amnesty scheme to bring back to India some of the black money residing in foreign banks. While such schemes raise a moral issue since they disadvantage honest tax payers, but they will certainly help the fiscal position greatly. Even if the minister gives it a miss, there is a strong possibility that the scheme is introduced during the course of the year and add to revenues in 2012.

Social sector spending to witness healthy rise in allocations
We believe the Government will focus on strengthening existing schemes rather than introducing new ones. Flagship projects like Bharat Nirman, Rajiv Awas Yojana, Midday Meal scheme and Right to Education will see good increase in allocation. Healthcare is another area where expenditure will likely rise. On the NREGA front, the focus would be on preventing inefficiencies and leaks in the system rather than big rise in allocation.

Subsidy burden to remain elevated
It can be expected that the subsidy on food and fertilisers will continue to mount. On the oil subsidy front, we see the Government tackling this issue by lowering duties rather than hiking subsidies substantially. The two percent subvention scheme on export credit is scheduled to expire on March 31, 2011. The subvention will either not be extended or will see a lower rate.

Strong agriculture focus
Ineffective public distribution is a major reason for food inflation. The Budget is likely to allocate funds for effective warehousing and distribution of agricultural products. Administrative controls are also expected to be put in place to check on hoarding of any produce. Common market for agricultural products and reduction in Mandi tax are areas which could be addressed. We also expect allocation for irrigation to rise meaningfully.

Infrastructure issues to be addressed partly
The Government will partly attempt to resolve funding constraints in infrastructure. Funding problems have resulted in a major slowdown in order flow in the last 6-8 quarters. Capex uptick is a must to sustain the growth rates in GDP. One way to channelize money flow into the power segment, which accounts for a chunk of the infra capex, is to remove withholding tax on overseas investment. There is a case to allow NBFCs and banks to raise tax free infrastructure bonds to ease funding to this sector.

Fiscal deficit: Will amnesty replace the 3G windfall?
The revised estimates for 2011 would reveal a lower fiscal deficit when compared to Budget estimates on account of higher tax revenues last year and windfall 3G auction gains. For 2012, the fiscal deficit could be around 4.7-5% in case the amnesty scheme is Budgeted for and closer to 5.5%, in case of non inclusion of the voluntary disclosure scheme to bring back black money.

We see amnesty scheme, agriculture focus and easing of infra funding issues as the key addressable areas, which could enthuse the equity market. A complete excise duty roll-back by 2% and higher fiscal deficit target of 5.5% would be major negative surprises, in case announced. Jain irrigation, L&T, BGR Energy, Everonn Education, Jindal Saw, SBI, GSK Consumer are our top Budget picks. ITC and Tata Motors could be the top misses from the budget.

Source :http://www.indiainfoline.com/Research/Recommendations/Equity/Union-Budget-Preview-2011-12-Balancing-between-growth-and-inflation/24248686

Important Information to calculate your tax

The new income tax rates or Income tax slab applicable for F.Y. 2010-11, A.Y. 2011-12 as announced in Budget 2010 . This is very good news for taxpayer to raise the limit of 10% bracket upto 5 Lakh. Most of the people are confused about income tax rates because a lots of amendments have done like direct tax code (DTC Income Tax Rates). So first find for which year you want to file a return then see the income tax rates/ income tax slab for that year. Suppose now you are going to file income tax returns for F.Y. 2009-10 i.e from 1-4-2009 to 31-03-2010. So you see the income tax slab for Assessment year 2010-11.
The following are the income tax rates announced in union budget 2010 applicable for financial year 2010-11.
Individual Male (Below the Age 65 Years)
Up to 1,60,000NIL
From  1,60,001 to 5,00,00010%
From  5,00,001 to 8,00,00020%
Above Than 8,00,00030%
Individual Female (Below the Age of 65 Years)
Up to 1,90,000NIL
From 1,90,001 to 5,00,00010%
From 5,00,001 to 8,00,00020%
Above Than 8,00,00030%
Senior Citizen (Above than 65 years of age)
Up to 2,40,000NIL
2,40,001 to 5,00,00010%
5,00,001 to 8,00,00020%
Above Than 8,00,00030%

For more information, contact your finance department.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Is astrology real or fake?

This is very tough to answer whether astrology is real or fake, because the astrology industry makes trillions every year. How did astrology grow into this huge industry and where did it start? Why do people turn to astrology everyday? Are these pridictions true or fake? Is astrology  is only a money making idea?
A lot of confusion surrounds astrology specialy Indian Astrology, and what is considered part of indian astrology. Personal astrology is basically fortune telling, love compatibility, life readings,Horoscope, Match making, Zodiac Sings, Planet readings, Compatibility etc. The key component to indian astrology or vedic astrology is that it is based on the day you were born, your birth month, Your Birth year, Place of Birth, your birth time, the position of the planets, moon, and sun on the day that you get your reading or the day that you are asking about or anything like that.
Throughout the years indian astrology has been used to determine your fate, love life, financial life, careers, downfalls etc. This can be clarified with an example. If we take case of hoistorical indian astrology, most of our kings take their decision whether they should go into war or a country will have a financially successful year. Historically if the astrologer was wrong, they would be killed or suffer horrible punishment.Nowadays people don't have to worry about losing their lives when their reading is wrong.
It may be lack of punishment that has drawn so many fake astrologers into the field. Anyone who has any skill in reading people can sit down and give out readings. The problem is that these readings are not based so much on astrology and the position of the planets but on reading the person. Instead of being astrology, it is more like psychology. This must be fake astrology.
Some people may challenge the notion that any astrology is real and they may have a lot of good points. In reality astrology has been around almost longer than any religion. For people who truly study the planets in relationship to people, they are working with thousands of years of knowledge that has been passed down. Very few jobs can make that claim. It is obvious that this kind of information is invaluable to predicting the future for anyone or anything.
The line is often blurred between astrology and psychics. This is due to the fact that psychics often fortune telling readings and they may sometimes dip into astrology for these readings. Psychics also do many other things that astrologers don't do. They will pull out a magic ball and 'see' the future in it or connect to someone from the spirit world through it. They have tarot decks that will 'reveal' some aspect of your life. Some of them can even 'read' the lines in your hands and tell you your future. These people are often just reading people and saying things based on what you say or how you react to something. When these people are right it is often simply because you believe that they are right. The mind is a powerful thing and if you believe that you can do something, you will work towards that goal and chances are that it will happen. It didn't happen because a psychic said it would, it happened because you believed that it would.
A nonbeliever of astrology could probably argue the same point, life events happen because you believed they would. Here is where fate or destiny comes into play and not everyone believes in fate or destiny. If everyone has a predetermined destiny then the planets and stars are possibly the only things that could hold that information. Even the surface of the Earth is constantly changing but the location of the stars and planets is set in the galaxy. They have seen everything that has happened on Earth and will continue to watch for eternity. If you need to turn to something, they are the most stable physical objects you can find.
Astrology being real or fake depends on if you find a real astrologer or a fake one. Unfortunately successful fake ones are very good at reading people and, frankly, good at being a con artist. It also depends on if you believe that you have a predetermined destiny or not. If you believe that you make your own fate, then you probably have no use for an astrologer. The bottom line is that only you can answer the question 'Is astrology real or fake?' for yourself.

Banerjee set to present her fifth rail budget

Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee is all set to present her fifth annual budget for the ministry Friday, amid concern over poor progress of large projects and the financial health of the world's second largest rail network under one management.
With the Vision 2020 document of 2009 expected to serve as the guiding force, the budget is expected to announce new measures to double the network of multiple tracks to 30,000 km. But the ensuing elections in West Bengal will tie down her arms on fare hikes.
Experts concede all the new trains Banerjee had promised in her two previous budgets for the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government had been flagged off and that passenger amenities had also improved during her tenure.
She had announced 122 new trains in 2009-10 and 54 more a year later.
But what has emerged as a big question mark is the financial health of the network -- especially after her predecessor Lalu Prasad's claims of having dramatically turned the Indian Railways around that became matter of case studies in business schools like Harvard.
'For the first time in the history of India, today the minister of railways has achieved the impossible -- she actually made the railways bankrupt,' Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) leader Sitaram Yechury told reporters in New Delhi.
The budget also cames against the backdrop of the share of Indian Railways in movement of goods, vis a vis truckers, falling from 24.07 percent in 2001-02 to 20.89 percent in 2008-09 and further to around 19 percent last fiscal.
Officials in Indian Railways, however, said progress was, indeed, being made.
'Work for all the projects, for which the minister had laid the foundation stone or inaugurated, has started and it will be completed within the stipulated timeframe,' said a spokesperson for Southern Railways.
'But as the projects are being executed by several agencies or under the public-private partnership model, it is not possible for us to provide progress report of every specific project in detail immediately,' he told IANS.
Indian Railways has a network of 64,099 route km to ferry 18.9 million passengers on 7,000 trains daily from 6,906 stations. It also runs 4,000 freight trains to carry 850 million tonnes of cargo.
On fare hikes, no one expects any additional burden on pasengers as Banerjee has set her eyes on becoming the next chief minister of West Bengal and would like to keep her steps populist, refraining from any measure that may be seen as anti-people.
The Trinamool Congress leader last Friday held a meeting with her two ministers of state Bharatsinh Solanki and K. H. Muniyappa and top officials led by Railway Board chairman Vivek Sahai to fine tune the budget, which is set to be presented in the Lok Sabha Friday morning.

Tanu weds Manu: film review

Tanu Weds Manu, is a film where you spend a decade in the movie hall before the event mentioned in the title actually occurs. This feeling is largely dictated by Tanu (Kangna Ranaut) whose screechy speech uttered from her lips gets quite insufferable.
But for what it's worth, the movie also has Manu or Dr Manoj Sharma (R Madhavan), a London-returned doctor who is bride hunting across small towns in India. His first arranged marriage prospect happens to be Kanpur-based Tanu,rebel without a cause who doesn't pause between switching boyfriends or her hairstyle. Predictably, the marriage is called off, leaving Manu nursing a grumpy frown for the rest of the movie, while Tanu rolls up another joint. Yes, Tanu is a pothead and an alcoholic too (because she graduated from Delhi?).
Later, Manu hops from one wedding to another, bumping into Tanu each time around, getting progressively hopeful and smitten by her. After all, it's hard to resist her brash indifferent attitude and drunken dancing, right? The film chugs along swiftly and the first half keeps you happy at your seat with a few memorable scenes and quirky dialogues.
Unfortunately, the second half presents many pensive scenes, accompanied by Kailesh Kher-esque background outcries, suitable for the situation but an overdose becomes unsuitable for human consumption. And while several twists in the story are refreshing, Manu overlooking his battered ego to help Tanu pursue her true love just seems too fantastic.
The movie also has a fittingly chosen supporting cast. Full marks to Pappi (Deepak Dobriyal), Manu's sidekick and friend who makes his and the audience's journey enjoyable with his clowning around and spontaneity. Raja (Jimmy Shergil), as a random goon, is initially tolerable when you think his role is insignificant. But he becomes a major bother later, when his unending monologues result in loud yawns and sighs reverberating in the cinema hall. It almost seems like Shergil went overboard to prove his presence in this movie and continued improvising even after the director called it a wrap, the camera stopped rolling and the cast went home.
The songs in the movie hardly create a wedding feel. But then, this isn't a typical band-baaja-dulhaniya-style wedding film. There are a few weddings in the movie but they don't occupy your mind enough. And this is perhaps a laudable aspect about the film, that it doesn't subscribe to formula, dares to stretch a one-sided love story over 99% of its total runtime and still manages to entertain you in parts.
When the name of the movie declares that Tanu weds Manu, it's clear that she won't pick Pappu, Tommy or anyone else. So, there's little surprise and just a matter of time, epiphany and function of overcoming obstacles before the inevitable happens. So managing to keep an audience seated and happy when they know how the film ends is an achievement beyond comparison.

Delhi cop drives BPO girl to safety

He has set a precedent that other cops would do well to follow. Amit Bhardwaj, a sub inspector (SI) posted with Malviya Nagar police station in south Delhi escorted a call centre employee to her home after he noticed that no security guard was present in her office cab. 

The incident took place on the night of February 22. A senior police official said that it was around 3.10 am when Bhardwaj was on patrol duty. He was riding a bike along with another cop in the area. A few other cops had also been deployed in the area. They spotted a Tata Innova car of a call centre in which a girl was travelling with no security guards present. 

Comprehending the gravity of the matter the cab was intercepted by cops and the driver was interrogated. Vijay Kumar, the driver told the SI that he was taking the girl to office from her home in Munirka. Vijay seemed perturbed when the SI asked him about the absence of security guards and why he had picked up a female employee first instead of a male.   

"What will you do if some armed assailants strike all of a sudden? The situation can prove far more dangerous for a female worker," Amit told the driver. The sub inspector then spoke to his SHO, Jarnail Singh and narrated the whole story to him. Amit was then asked by his senior to take the woman back to her home safely and to take action against the cab driver. Amit took two other cops with him and rushed the girl to her home in Munirka. They used the BPO cab for the trip.

Ali Zafar to star in Dhoom 3

Ali Zafar is multi- talented. Apart from acting, Ali loves to sing and paint. He has numerous albums to his name and is busy promoting his current one titled Jhoom . Riding high on his last success, Tere Bin Laden , Ali is on a signing spree in B- town.
The latest buzz is that he may be part of Yash Raj's Dhoom 3 too. Ali is currently busy with Yash Raj Films' Mere Brother Ki Dulhan with Imran Khan and Katrina Kaif .
We hear that Ali has become friendly with Katrina and is also planning to paint a few portraits of the actress.
If Katrina agrees to this, it's surely a benefit for Ali.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

India likely to be world's largest economy by 2050

In view of its continuing robust growth, India is expected to be the world's largest economy by 2050, surpassing China and the US, a Citi report said.
"China should overtake the US to become the largest economy in the world by 2020, then be overtaken by India by 2050," financial services group Citi said in the report.
The estimates are based on purchasing power parity (PPP), an economic growth indicator that takes into account the purchasing power of each country's currency, instead of the prevailing exchange rate conversion.
Indian economy is expected to be nearly USD 85.97 trillion on PPP basis by 2050 from USD 3.92 trillion in 2010, Citi said.
Going by the report, India would surpass the US -- currently the world's largest economy -- to become the second largest by 2040.
"We expect India to overtake Japan to become the third largest economy in the world by 2015," it noted.
In terms of PPP, Indian economy -- valued at USD 3.78 trillion -- was at the fourth place in 2009. The country was behind the US, China and Japan, according to the World Bank.
Citi pointed out that North America and Western Europe's share of world's real GDP (in terms of USD calculated on PPP basis) is expected to fall from 41 per cent in 2010 to just 18 per cent in 2050.
During the same period, developing Asia's share is predicted to rise from 27 per cent to 49 per cent in 2050.
Citi emphasised that a number of major changes within a relative short time are required for India to meet future challenges.
Noting that India's infrastructure has to be improved, Citi said the country needs to relax its "hostile attitude towards FDI", if it is to reap the benefits of rapid cross-border technology transfer that China has benefited from so greatly.
"...a further round of serious deregulation of the domestic economy and further trade liberalisation are required," it noted.
The report said India's population of working age is expected to grow by 40.7 per cent between 2010 and 2050.
India has successfully raised its aggregate savings rate to levels that would allow sustained high levels of domestic capital formation (the domestic saving rate averaged 34.4 percent over 2006-2009 and the gross domestic investment rate 32.4 percent), the report added.
Read more: India likely to be world's largest economy by 2050: Citi - The Times of India

Rs 150 coin to be out soon

For the first time in the country's minting history, government will issue coins of Rs 150, marking the number of years of taxation in India.
The special coins, to be released by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee before his Budget speech, will also be brought out in Rs 5 denomination on the occasion of completion of 150 years, from 1860 to 2010, of the Income Tax department.
This is the first time that coins of Rs 150 denomination are being minted by the government. The Department of Economic Affairs under the Finance Ministry recently notified the order.
The Rs 150 coin, made of an alloy of Silver, Copper, Nickel and Zinc, will have an international design with ''Satyameva Jayate'' and ''India'' on the front side while a portrait of ''Chanakya and lotus with honeybee'' on the reverse side.
The Rs 5 coins will also be minted in the same fashion. While 200 coins will be minted in Rs 150 denomination, 100 such coins of Rs 5 will be issued.
"The Income Tax department celebrated 150 years of taxation in the country last year and the these coins, especially the one in Rs 150 denomination will be minted for the first time," a senior I-T official said

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Astrology for Career

Astrology for CareerEvery person looks forward to a rewarding career is one's life. How do you find the jobs that you would love to do? What is your earning potential? Which job is best suited to your personality? All these questions continuously warrant your attention.
Astrology for career helps you gain a better understanding of yourself, your talents, your challenges, and your dreams and gives you an insight into your talents, potential, communication abilities and challenges, and relationship with your colleagues and boss. It also provides you astrological clues relating to the personalities of successful people and successful companies.
Although astrology should not be used to pick the career but it can give you an insight into right career options.

Job Career Astrology for Various Zodiacs
Aries Job Astrology

Aries are very independent people so the job that has the independence can be a part of Aries career. Aries are the fighter and great entrepreneur and very impulsive. So these people will start their endeavor in business or in politics. They will initiate the things and let others to finish it. Also their career activities are mostly involved in protecting others and risk taking activities.
Career astrology for Aries says that they will work in Armed forces, as athlete, blacksmith, dentist, firefighter, lawyer, mechanic, policeman, race car driver, trade union leader, self-employed businessman.
Taurus Job Astrology
Taurus are very practical people with great determination. They look for the career that gives them stability hence the government jobs are best for Taurus.
Career as per astrology for Taurus say that they can be very good accountant, engineer, lawyer and teacher.
Gemini Job Astrology
Gemini are born with intelligence and great intuitions. You cannot keep Gemini in one job for a very long period of time as they look for a change.
So anything related to travelling, technical support, writing, and creativity will go as best options for them.
Cancer Job Astrology
Cancer people are very dramatic, optimistic, and philosophical people. Astrology career for Cancer are personnel, human resources and social working.
Leo Job Astrology
Leo love the career in which they get recognition and applaud. They love to be admired. Leos are gifted with great aesthetic sense so anything related to fashion and design is the best for them.
Leo can be a good actor or actresses, athlete, business manager, gardener, hairdresser, media or in public relation, interior designer or decorator, managing director, teacher, writer and promoter.
Virgo Job Astrology
Virgo are the perfectionists, hard-working and look for detail in every task. So they are very good at writing, teaching, secretarial jobs, public service and detective works.
Libra Job Astrology
Libra people are very charming and diplomatic. At the same time they also very social and easy going. They need everything luxurious and in a lavish style. Thus the jobs as ambassadors, customer service, travel agents and sales people are best for them.
Scorpio Job Astrology
Scorpio people have analytical thinking, hard working and motivated. They get the jobs of highest level. The best jobs for them are of scientists, educators, surgeons and physicists.
Sagittarius Job Astrology
9-5 office jobs are not made for Sagittarius as they do not like routine. Anything that includes physical work is the best for them. Sagittarius can work under pressure and feel the excitement of job.
Sagittarius works the best as anthropologists, bookseller, construction worker, gambler, jockey, paramedic, sociologist, travel agent, travel writer and Veterinarian.
Capricorn Job Astrology
Capricorn are very goal-oriented, determined and clever people. They are great workaholics. Astrology jobs best for them are as bankers, managers, administrators or IT.
Aquarius Job Astrology
Aquarius are very intelligent, visionary and progressive in life. They love to explore new things so can be a very good designer, musicians and scientists.
Pisces Jobs Astrology
Sensitive, creative, artistic and spiritual fishes, Pisces love the jobs of nursing, physical therapists and of psychologists.

Body Language says a lot

Body gestures say a lot about a person - whether they look up or scratch their nose, or even tilt their head.
Now, body language expert Peter Collett, author of the 'Book Of Tells' talks about the different gestures people make and what they mean.
SCRATCHING NOSE: When you're not telling the truth, you instinctively want to cover up the source of the lie - your mouth - so no one can see you're fibbing. But because that's too obvious, people disguise it by scratching their nose.
LOOKING UP: if you look up you're seeking help from above. People with a sense of self-importance also do it, suggesting they're in contact with the Almighty.
BLINKING: It's a sign someone's worried, excited or even lying as they're under stress and thinking very rapidly.
LIP NIBBLING: Lip nibbling, whether biting the lower lip or a corner of the mouth with the upper teeth, prevents someone from speaking, so it's used by people who want to stop themselves from saying something.
TILTING HEAD: Often used by a woman to flirt and appear more attractive.
It appeals to a man because it lowers her height; -mimics a baby putting its head on its mother's shoulder; and exposes the neck. As the neck is one of the most vulnerable parts of your body, showing it to someone is a way of saying, "I trust you implicitly."
FURROWED BROWS: Lowering the brows is a dominance gesture used mainly by men, which tells people, "I may be looking at you, but I'm in charge."
SHIFTING WEIGHT: When you want to escape from a conversation, you shift your weight from side to side or back to front.
Men also sometimes do this when chatting to a pretty girl to make themselves appear energetic.
OPEN HANDS: Showing the palms of your hands is a friendly -gesture showing that you have peaceful intentions. It indicates acceptance, good intentions and that you're open to new ideas.
Hiding them, on the other hand, shows that you don't want to give anything away.
FOOT POINT :The way your foot is facing indicates what you're thinking. Follow the line of someone's foot and it will show you what they're most interested in - if it's the door, they want to leave.

Monday, February 21, 2011

New Look of SRK in DON-2

Recently director Farhan Akhtar talked about the highly, highly anticipated Don 2. He did not reveal much but he did say, “It follows Shah Rukh's character into a different adventure. In the second Don we've taken some of the essence of what Shah Rukh did in the first Don. But we've also given him some new things to do.”
In fact, it looks like Don ends up in jail. Boman Irani revealed in an earlier interview, "Don 2 shows what Don is doing after four years. What he has become in four years. Vardhaan (the villain) is in jail."
Going by the newly released pictures, this is not the dapper Don of the first film. Check out images to see the new look of Don! As you can see Shah Rukh is also sporting much longer hair, but it being King Khan, he rocks that look as well.

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‘Indian cricket team wins the world cup 2011’ is now just an imagination, which is going on in the minds of the Indian cricket lovers in the sub continent and around the world. But this may become a truth or a fact in a couple of months time, as the 15 member squad is capable of winning the world cup 2011 and ending the long wait of 28 years.
Indian cricket team won the world cup in 1983 and from the past 28 years, the Indians have been dreaming about repeating the magic.
This time team India, is not reliable on sole match winners and will be solely depending on the experience , technique and collective playing. From the last 5 world cups, the whole responsibility was seen on seniors like Sachin tendulkar and Dravid, as if no other person was available in team. But since Dhoni started to captain the Indian cricket team, things have changed drastically.
There is no responsibility on single player and the responsibility is said to be on the whole cricket team. If the batters do they job and bowling is well served with fielding, then the win is in the vicinity and this is new mantra of the Indian cricket team.
However, the only demon creating hurdles for the Indian cricket team is ‘Injuries’ and hope that the whole declared 15 member squad remains uninjured for the next couple of month.

who will win the world cup 2011

This is the time to pick favorites for the Cricket World Cup 2011. The game has already begun, and everyone, including the legends of cricket have started picking their favorites to win the World cup. According to the legends of the game India is favorite to win the World cup.
In my opinion India is not favorite to win this World cup, even though they are top contenders for the coveted trophy. One of the main reasons for India's unlikely success is the fact they are playing in front of the home crowd. Such big events like World cup brings a lot of pressure on the players. The title of being favorites adds to already existing pressure of home crowd expectations. Indifferent form of their best one day batsman Yuvraj Singh could also harm India's chances. Moreover their senior batsman Sachin Tendulkar will be desperate for winning this World cup in order to have at least one big trophy under his belt before he retires from cricket. You can see Sachin Tendulkar faltering or failing when approaching an important milestone. He has never featured in a World cup winning team despite featuring in five editions of the tournament. This is likely to be the last World cup for Sachin Tendulkar. Sachin Tendulkar is known to fail whenever there is pressure on him. Any shrewd captain should be able to exploit this weakness of Sachin Tendulkar. Another issue would be the spot to play Gautam Gambhir. Gautam Gambhir is better as an opener. He might not be effective in one day games in the middle order, and it could disrupt the whole batting order. There is no clear picture yet as to what combination India is likely to go. There is too much confusion with too many confusing choices. But if some of the players in the Indian batting line up hit purple patch, nothing could stop India from winning this edition of the World cup.
Australian team is not being picked as favorites this time. They are still the at the top of the ICC ranking table. Moreover reduced expectations on the Australian team might work in their favor. What could go against the Australian team is form and future of some of their key players, including their captain and star batsman Ricky Ponting. The Ashes results could also have a bearing on their performance in the upcoming World cup. The Australian team is still a force to reckon with and can peak at the right time to win the World cup.
South Africa is my favorite to win the World cup this time. They neither have the pressure of being favorites, nor they are playing in front of their home crowd. The tag of being chokers might actually work in their favor this time. Because they have been labeled chokers, it may release the any expectations on them, and may ultimately release any pressure on them. They have one of the best batting line up and best the best fast bowler in the world in their line up. South Africa should be able to open their account for World cup trophies.
The most unpredictable team ever, and the most unpredictable team in the tournament. Pakistan is not being given much of a chance by the pundits, but you should discount Pakistan at your own peril. Again, less expectation from this team may eventually work in their favor. Moreover, not having to play before home crowd, yet playing home like condition may also favor them. They may not have the best team in the world on the paper, but have the team to beat any team, and have players who can change the course of the game from any situation.
England has also emerged as a very strong team in the recent past. They could repeat their success in T20 edition of the World cup in the one day version, of course with little bit of luck at crucial stages of the tournament. England also has considerably less pressure on them.
Sri Lanka is a good team, but will be under pressure playing in front of their home crowds. I do not see Sri Lanka going all the way especially without Jaysurya in their ranks at the top of the order, and indifferent form of Tilakratne Dilshan. The Sangarkara's and Jayawardana's are not much effective in one-day format, especially in the absence of big hitters like Jaysurya at the top. They do not have a threating bowling line up either. I do not give much chance to Sri Lanka.
New Zeeland is one team, about whom the less said the better. They have some capable cricketers, but are failing as a unit. A couple of good games at the knockout might just give them an outside chance of winning the trophy.
West Indian team of today is exactly opposite of the West Indian team that participated in the first three editions of this prestigious tournament. I do not see West Indies winning this tournament, but cricket is funny old game.
Bangladesh has the ability to upset quite a few teams in this tournament like it did to India in the previous editions. Ireland too can upset the big teams as it knocked out Pakistan in the initial stages of the tournament in the last edition of the World cup. The rest of the teams, I guess, are mere participants.